WATC Specialty Show Information
The WATC was founded in 1957 by a small group of enthusiastic Airedale breeders, and is established as a non-profit organization and AKC accredited club. The Constitution and By-Laws state that the object of the club shall be "to encourage and promote the breeding of purebred Airedales in accordance with the standard established by the ATCA, and to give, promote or sponsor dog shows within the State of Wisconsin"
Specialty clubs serve the interest of a single breed on a local level by holding AKC conformation shows and/or performance events for which the breed is eligible.
Our club has evolved over the years to include not only breeders and show enthusiasts, but also performance and pet enthusiasts striving to encourage and support all avenues in which the breed is involved.
However, our main purpose each year is to sponsor a specialty dog show.
The Wisconsin Airedale Terrier Club Specialty is held the last weekend in July, at the Waukesha Kennel Club All-Breed show, in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Our club offers camaraderie, networking and lots of fun at a luncheon for exhibitors & spectators, and at an evening banquet. We have indoor, reserved, air-conditioned grooming space conveniently located to our spacious outdoor show ring, and prizes made possible by donations from our generous club members.
Please join us!
WATC National Owner Handler Series (NOHS) Trophy
In 2017, WATC Club member, Barbara Brown purchased a gorgeous Airedale sculpture made by club member Joanne Vohs. Barbara donated this beautiful piece to the WATC and the club created a traveling trophy to recognize its annual Specialty NOHS Best of Breed winner.
Each year, this winner is awarded a keepsake plate and their name is added to the trophy. If any exhibitor wins three times, they may keep the trophy. The WATC congratulates its winners:
2023 - GCH Bobcat Puppet Master - Bob and Cathy Denman
2022 - CH Bobcat Call Me in the Morning BCAT RATN CGC TKN - Sue Zimmer
2021 - Bobcat Call Me in The Morning - Sue Zimmer
2020 (show canceled)
2019 - CH Alanor's Ain't I Sumthing - Alana Duttlinger
2018 - GCH Timberwyck Peak Performance - Heather Roozee/Susan Kuhn

Prior years Best Of Breed Winners
WATC Specialty Show
2023 GCHS CH Timberwyck The Rock
(Owners: H Roozee/S Kuhn)
2022 GCHS CH Timberwyck The Rock
(Owners: H Roozee/S Kuhn)
2021 Reydaleterrydale I Have A Dream At Redcoat
(Owners: L Lueck/G Reyes
2020 Canceled - (COVID)
2019 CH Alanor's Ain't I Sumthing
2018 GCHB CH Singing Hills Selah
(Owners: C Jones/B Jones)
2017: GCH CH Timberwyck Peak Performance CGC
(Owner - H Shultz-Roozee/E Roozee/S Kuhn)
2016 CH Moraine Warland Jack Bernabee (Owners: C Larrabee/M Bermklau)
2015 GCH CH Huntwood's Periwinkle Of Tobylinn (Owner: J Linn)
2014 GCH CH Huntwood's Command Performance Of Tobylinn
(Owners: C Vitosh/J Linn/S Kipp)
2013 GCH CH Huntwood's Command Performance Of Tobylinn
(Owners: C Vitosh/J Linn/S Kipp/S Kipp)
2012 GCH CH Huntwood Spyglas Of Stone Ridge Tobylinn
(Owners: J Linn/S Kipp)
2011 GCH CH Epoch's Time Bandit
(Owners: A Moore/D Moore)
(Owners: M Loshak/C Scott)
2009 CH Stone Ridge Tobylinn
(Owners: J. Linn)
2008 CH Huntwood's Waltzing Mahtilda
(Owners: R Berkowitz/A Berkowitz/S Kipp/S Kipp)
2007: Ch. Huntwood's Waltzing Mathilda
(Owners - Robert and Andrea Berkowitz and Scott and Susan Kipp
2006: Ch. Evermay's High Performance
(Owners - Richard Berg and Samantha Curran)
2005: Joval Never Say Never
(Owner - Valeria Rickard, DVM)
2004: Huntwood's Natalee
(Owner - Susan Kipp)
2003: Ch. Garnet Ridge Elite
(Owners - Jeanne Johnson and Pam Soleski)
2002: Waggin - Aires Heaven Sent
(Owners - Jeanne Johnson and Pam Soleski and S. and D. Boeving)
2001: Ch. Terrydale HK Moraine Spin
(Owners - Terrydale Kennels and E.Z. Zaphiries and M. Stander)
2000: Stone Ridge Moraine Man O' War
(Owner - Janet Framke)
Prior Year
Class Judges
2023 Nancy Hafner Smith
2022 George Wright
2021 Richard Powell
2020 N/A Show canceled (Covid)
2019 Diane Schlicht
2018 V Smith
2017 Steve Hayden
2016 A Katona
2015 LC Moore
2014 K Brown
2013 Jerry Klein
2012 C Erickson
2011 Anne Barlow
2010 R Kramer
2009 MJ Dougherty
2008 P. Nemirovsky de Alsina
2007 CA Levy
2006 Anne Barlow
2005 NB Kenney
2004 Cindy Vogels
2003 MJ Dougherty
Prior years
Sweepstake Judges
2023 Barbara Brown
2022 Diana Dozier
2021 Sue Reimund
2020 canceled (Covid)
2019 Martha Graham
2018 Alana Duttinger
2017 Vicki Barker
2016 Brittany McKeown
2015 Anna Brinker
2014 Carol Robson
2013 Gary Vohs
2012 Deirdre Hernandex
2011 Lisa Berglin
2010 Ross Knutson
2009 Jane Noerenberg
2008 Carole Kame
2007 Jean Surfus
2006 Barbara Brown
2005 Vicki Barker
2004 Gary Vohs
2003 Diana Dozier
2002 Gerardo Reyes
2001 Susan Anderson
2000 Mickey Frisch